About Us


Sri Sri Nrusinghnath Ayurved College and Research Institute, Nrusinghnath Paikmal, Bargarh was established in the year 1981 and completed more than 3 decades of successful journey with the active support and effort of Late Dr. Krupa Sindhu Bhoi, then Member of Parliament, Sambalpur and Minister (Govt. of India) and Sri Satya Bhusan Sahu, Ex- MLA and Ex-Govt. Chief whip, ex-president of Governing Body of S.S.N Ayurved College & R.I Nrusinghnath.

About College

It was established in the year 1981 duly manage by a society registration under society Registration Act. 1860. This college is situated near Nrusinghnath, Paikmal in the foot of famous Gandhamardhan Hill and in a natural environment in the Dist. Bargarh, which is 35 KM away from Nuapada Road Railway Station and 160 KM away from Raipur Airport. This College is spread across an area of 25 acres of land duly accommodated with well-equipped laboratories, dissection hall, herbal garden and library with reading facilities.

SSNAYC Group of Education

About Us

SSNAYC Group of Education


  • To provide Ayurveda Education to the Students.
  • To Facility Higher Ayurvedic Treatment to poor, local tribes people free of cost
  • Proper use of forest resources in making herbal medicines
  • Free health camp and check up in nearest village
  • Research work to find out causes of dangerous disease and their proper treatment

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Medical Science which was originated and developed in india some thousands of years ago and belief to have been passed on to human from the gods themselves. Ayurveda derived mostly from Atharva Veda which dates to 5 thousand years ago.

According to ayurveda 5 elements found in the cosmic system (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Space) have constitute our body and so also the drugs. It advocates keeping the 5 cosmic elements balanced for a healthy and happy life.

Ayurveda places great importance on Pathya or Ideal Life style (Both eating habit and Daly routing. Ayurveda also provides guidance on how to adjust our diet and Daly routing based on the change of session.

Being a Complete medical science it treatment accepted is grossly divided in to Shodhana and Shamana Therapy i,e. Purificatory and palliative Therapy respectively.

A Bird’s Eye View

The college is most ideally situated at Nrusinghnath, the sacred place of pilgrimage, eco-friendly atmosphere, a place of tourist interest in the lap of Gandhamardhan Hill which is full of flore and fauna with scenic fall such as Kapildhar, Chaldhar, Panchupandab, and Bhimdhar etc. 3 kms aways from Paikmal main Road presents a colossal look with a sprawling campus of medicinal plants stretching over 10 acres of land. The campus houses an indoor Hospital and an outpatient block. The institution has a modern laboratory with updated facilities for research work. Besides a newly constructed library building come up containing some books of rare collections. The college has made adequate provision for teaching and practical training and also accommodations for all the boys and girls students admitted. Apart from the herbal garden in the campus, a well maintained unique herbal garden is developed 3 kms. Away from the College campus in the Georgegarh area spreading over 10 acres of land having endangered, rare and valuable varieties of medicinal plants for regular training, Research and Pharmacy use.

Since beginning of this college it has introduce the B.A.M.S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery) course in accordance with the NCISM syllabus approves by the Sambalpur University, Burla.

At present the college has strength of approximately 250 student who have joined this institute after being selected through the state counseling OJEE. The college has a staff strength over 50 well committed and dedicated graduates/Post-graduates (Both teaching and non-teaching) besides 50 paramedical personnel. The institution has 14 teaching departments as per the norms of the NCISM New Nelhi, and well equipped 100 beded hospital which has been catering the health needs of the people of this region as well as rendering health services to the pilgrims and patients coming from chhatisgarh and other areas.

The College has a GMP Accredited Pharmacy Unit attached to the department of Rasashastra and Vaisjya Kalpana catering the requirement of both OPD and IPD patients. It is currently manufacturing 42 nos. of Ayurvedic medicines by clinical and proprietary methods.

The significant specialized treatment of Panchakarma therapy has attracted ‘doshas’ (impurities) of the body. For many years a good number of patients have thronged the college hospital for the treatment of paralysis and other neuro musculoskeletan disorders. Similarly Kshara-sutra treatment of Ano-rectal diseases and dedicated Yoga Therapy has also been offered by our hospital.